Hello Michael David,

Monday, May 13, 2002, 5:12:09 PM, in a galaxy far, far away, Michael wrote:

Michael David> And,  I'm  pretty sure that all the mail
Michael David> disappeared immediately after an  Access Violation
Michael David> error, and this was not the result of my somehow
Michael David> deleting  the messages. I get Access Violation
Michael David> errors a few times each day.  I'd  be interested
Michael David> to know if others are still getting these as well.

I used to get these Access Violation errors after repeated use of
IE on a Win98SE installation with TB! V1.53d.  IE has a known
(and severe) memory "leak" which can cause memory access errors
over time.  Since I have upgraded to Win2K, these have all
disappeared. This machine has 1GB of RAM, so how can one "run
out" of system resources or memory with that much installed?

I haven't rebooted this system since I installed Win2K, which was
5 days ago.  This is far better than my previous experience of 2
to 3 (forced) reboots a day on average with Win98SE!

The worst situation I faced in Win98SE was a cross connection of
messages with the wrong body text.  Shutting down and rebooting,
then restarting TB! corrected the errors each time.

Much has been said about it not being "wise" to upgrade Win98SE
to Win2K, but I have had few problems, and all were cured by
simply re-installing the software affected.  I only had to
uninstall and re-install one package, notably Roxio Easy CD
Creator.  This was recommended, but I failed to do so, much to my
own peril!  Live and learn!

Michael David> And, you are right - I should archive older messages. :)

Yes, as everyone should ;-)

I will not deviate further off-topic, but thought my experiences
with the OS change would be educational.

Warmest tropical wishes,

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