Hello MikeM!

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 3:34:16 PM you wrote:

> Why not let the receiver decide what is appropriate for his or her screen, and do 
>the wrapping on the receiving end accordingly.  Why should I (or you) presume to know 
>what is the best manner of
> display for the recipient of my email?  Sometimes I like my screen to wrap narrowly 
>(~40 characters or so) to work with other items on my screen.  Yet messages that are 
>wrapped at 65 or 72
> characters look rather poor (hard-to-read) when displayed like that.  Unwrapped 
>messages look fine.

Because it isn't actually the receiving end that is "deciding". E-mail
is sent with hard returns at the end of a line. Only thing is, OE/OL
and some other clients don't show them *before* sending. TB! does
because it uses a true WYSIWYG editor.

Every client I know has a wrap setting.

> I see very few, if any, who do that here.

What kind of argument is that? Reminds me of the "new" German way to
establish what is ethical and what not - give the problem in question
to a committee and they should vote on it. After that it goes into
parliament, where again a vote is cast. In the end it is a more or
less capable majority defining what is right or wrong. Stupid ...

> Or perhaps they have email clients that are more capable.  It may be 
> an error to presume that the problems you are having are experienced 
> by users of other email clients.

Whatever, isn't it easier to conform to such modest requests? As we
have all seen the "more capable" clients' messages, we might conclude
that they are *not* more capable.

BTW, TB! wraps so good that one doesn't even need the special setting
in PGP, which was introduced because of the "more capable" apps.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

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