On Wednesday, May 22, 2002, Allie C Martin wrote...

> Meaning  that  newsgroups,  unless  they're private, are usually not
> moderated.   This  allows  a  lot  of  flaming,  arguing,  off-topic
> discussions and circular discussions completing way too many circles
> before ending.

Well,  as  is with the list, the newsgroup would be private, and maybe
on just a single news server, provided by RitLabs, or a willing member
of  this  list.  And as it is just going to be a duplicate (or another
method  of  viewing/posting)  of  the  current  list...  the  existing
moderators have no extra work to do.

JA>> I can understand that sometimes people post slightly different on
JA>> news groups,

> Yes. This is why I generally don't like them and have since stopped.
> You yourself may end up posting differently.

I haven't used a news group in a long while.  Although I occasionally
drop in them for information, and quick answers.

JA>> but I've been on several news groups where they cross-post to
JA>> mailing lists as well. When I say cross-post, I don't mean two
JA>> individual addresses specified, I mean the mailing list
JA>> software/news server software passing the messages between each
JA>> other, no end user interaction on that part.

> These lists are unmoderated, I assume.

No...  they  can  be  moderated  by the list moderator, or a dedicated
newsgroup  moderator  (which  would  make  either  the  list moderator
redundant, or the newsgroup moderator pointless).

> I do prefer an e-mail based list. TB! already has the capability to
> thread messages so reading isn't a problem. The readers can
> participate using TB!. In fact, the only problem is bandwidth, but I
> think the advantages outweigh this disadvantage.

I  do  agree.  I can understand why people can see a newsgroup being a
good  idea,  if  they  suffer  bandwidth  limitations,  or  even  time

> One big disadvantage for me would be that I'd have to check the
> news server regularly and I'd have to put up with Gravity if I wanted
> to prevent this. Argh! Don't forget that participants would have to
> find a news reader and learn how to use it when they're already
> learning to use TB!. It just seems wrong to put TB! aside to read a
> discussion list about it.

Understood.  I can see the ideas of not using TB! to read about TB!...
kind of defeats the whole purpose of TB! in general.

> While  I doubt that I'd be gone if a newsgroup were to be started, I
> don't  particularly agree with it though it's a free world of course
> and  anyone  who  wishes to start a news group can do so as was done
> with these groups. :-)

As  my original idea said... it'd not replace the mail list... in fact
it'll  just be the mail list, but passed onto a news server. Any posts
that  hit  the  lists,  get dropped into the news server, and any news
postings  get  posted  back  to  the  list.  There'd  be  no change in
bandwidth  usage  for list owner (after all, it acts just like another
email  address),  and  the news server will sustain the same amount of
data as the list.

I'd be happy to look into it *only* if there is enough interest in the
idea...  and  based on what a lot of you guys seem to be saying, there
appears  to  be very little interest in it. I'm looking into a similar
system  for  the company I work for, we'll be setting up our help list
into  a  news  server, while maintaining the mail list. So I'm already
going to be halfway in the area of what I mentioned.

Jonathan Angliss

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