On Wed, 22 May 2002, Allie C Martin wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Adam [A] wrote:
> ...
> A> TheBat seems absent a Kill File. The closest thing I could find I
> A> was looking at Advanced Filtering, Header. Try to copy and paste an
> A> address there. (The drop down menu doesn't seem to fill in header
> A> from the current email.) But note, it has only IS and CONTAINS! No
> A> NOT. So there you have the opposite of a Kill File. Did I miss
> A> anything?
> The advanced filtering is for the message list. It is used to filter
> what the message list displays without actually deleting messages.
> Another of TB!'s nice features. It's certainly not a kill-filter
> system.

Not a real system. But, without changing the mailbox, let's see..

>From the message list, viewed a poster.  Then changed the priorities.
But found couldn't filter by priority.  Then I tried setting a colour
group for the poster.  Did.  But found Colour group did not have Is and Is
not.  Clicked on Generic, but then poof, whole folder clears of all

So, I think the closest thing is to try like: suppose you want to exclude
some poster.  Sort by From:.  Then mark all those messages Parked say.
Now you can filter by unparked.  Although one parked message from that
guy remains.

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