Hello Gerard,

Thursday, May 23, 2002, 8:46:12 PM, you wrote:

G> ON Thursday, May 23, 2002, 5:51:58 PM, you wrote:

MO>> Try holding down alt while clickin on the subject. That will turn on
MO>> advanced filtering and show only messages with the same subject.

G> Hi Marcus,
G>  Also try:
G>  click on the envelope and get only read / un-read msg's
G>  click on the author/recipient and get all his msg's
G>  click on the flag and get all flagged msg's
G>  click on the "P" (parked) and get all parked msg

G>  And not only in the current folder but in all!

G>  Does anyone know of any more things to Alt-click?

Every day I learn something really nifty with BAT. You just gotta love
this piece of program.
Best regards,
       Csaba Kiss
 MTC Karolinska Institute
    Stockholm, Sweden


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