See in-line comments below.

Thursday, May 23, 2002, 8:35:56 PM, you wrote:
8sxc> Hi, RapidFX.
8sxc>   Well, yes, but this is true for a valid message, too?
The message is valid, it is the encoding? I do not actually know.
I do know that every one I have received had this certificate info:
Issued To: Thawte FreeMail Member
S/MIME Certificate is invalid
The issuer of this certificate chain was not found.
Issued By: Personal Freemail RSA 2000.8.30
The senders were not all using TheBat! but some were.
Maybe that will help someone track down the issue.

8sxc>   I tried this and it works fine now....
I do not know the consequences of using Microsoft CryptoAPI.
You may want to look into this.

8sxc>   Upgrade to 160m? (It does look like you're running it.) I definitely
8sxc>   have to have it set to Microsoft with h.
Yes, I am, but the issue was also "fixed" in beta 1.60k which is what
I upgraded to from whatever version was on the download page a couple
weeks ago, before version 1.60m.
Using "internal" do you get an "invalid signature" attachment?

8sxc>   I haven't used S/MIME, so have no clue what's going on here, but it
8sxc>   worked. Thanks.
TheBat! by default sets it as: Internal Implementation

Enjoy the day!

Greg S. Wirth
System Administrator
Anchorage, Alaska

Current Ver: 1.60m
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