Hello David,

On Friday, May 24, 2002 at 6:24:53 PM you wrote in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

>> SGVsbG8gSmVybmVqLA0KDQpPbiBGcmlkYXksIE1heSAyNCwgMjAwMiBhdCA1OjEzOjM3IFBNIHlv

DE> < ... >

DE> I bet you have done the same as me. Check account | Properties | Mail
DE> Transport,  and make sure that it is not base 64.

I am soooooooooo sorry!!!

I've changed it for a quick test in another issue and simply forgot to
revert it *slapping his forehead* :-/

Thank you Marck for the 'translation', I'd have posted it a second time
else ...

Sometimes, mostly after a long working day, I'm so stupid ...

Sorry to all, I know I should have known better what will happen, but I
just didn't remember the change I made before posting here ...

@Miguel: You're right: it should stay white ... Well ... light-gray, as
this is my default background color in window elements :-)
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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