Hi Lynn,
On Sun, 9 Jun 2002 08:57:56 -0700, you wrote:

> I have a yahoo list now that for some reason is dumping
> some, but not all mail into my 'known' box ... it's very
> annoying, but I can't figure out why it's happening. I'm
> sure there's more than one filter involved here (I've
> been trying to fix it), but finding them all is kind of a
> nightmare.

Order of filters is very important.  They execute in the order they are
displayed.  If you have the known rule enabled, and a member of the yahoo list
mails to that list, the known rule will kick in *before* the yahoo list filter
*if* the yahoo filter list comes under the known rule.  Try moving the yahoo
list filter above the known rule.  Also look for other filters that match on
address book items, and try moving them below the yahoo list filter.  One of the
easiest things I've found when doing filtering is to stick high use
lists/contacts right at the top, saves processing power (not that it uses much),
and saves miss-filtering in a lot of cases.  For example, my TBUDL filter is the
first on my list.  I wouldn't want it to match any of my other filters, so it's
the first.  My second filter (IIRC, it's at work, so it's from memory) is mail
from the servers I maintain, then it does some of the other lists I'm on, then
spam, then some more lists (I know the order is odd here, but the second set of
lists get a lot of spam), then known.  Anything that hasn't matched yet is
dumped into known.

Hope this gives you an idea :)

Jonathan Angliss

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