Hello Ochrid,

On Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 11:50:17 AM you wrote in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

O> the receiver may not always see the euro sign (¤) as it is meant. (It is
O> *always* shown correctly in my editor).

That's because, after hours, days and weeks of begging, The Bat! finally
uses the _correct_ Latin-9 character table. In Latin-9 the Euro-sign is
defined as 0xA4 (hexadecimal char code is 'A4'), while MS introduced the
Euro-sign in Latin-1 (where it in fact AIN'T defined) with 0x80.

In Latin-9 '0x80' is the 'sun' you describe (IIRC and 'international
currency symbol') while in Latin-1 this 'sun' is '0xA4'.

So there's a cross-reference between Latin-1 and Latin-9

|Latin-1 | Latin-9|
|  0x80  |  0xA4  |
|  0xA4  |  0X80  |

On your system The Bat! translates the Euro-sign correctly back to
Windows-character-table, while it seems at the other end this is _not_ done
correctly. It seems the hex value is taken literally without any
translation to the charset used for displaying.

O> Two questions:
O> - Does this has to do with my settings only or with those on the
O> receiving end or both?

At least: with the receivers settings.
You _could_ change your XLAT-table to use values the receiver uses too, but
I'd heavily discourage you to do so. One big advantage of The Bat! is it
reflects and uses STANDARDS (even if some only are set up properly after
enough complaints by Beta-testers *G*) and does not break them.

O> - How can I correct this and check it without being misled by my
O> editor.
O> (I am not a computer expert)

You can:
1.) _DISABLE_ 8bit character support in headers. It's not recommended to
    use them in headers.
2.) Enable 'Quoted-Printable' encoding of 8bit characters in your message
    body. ('Account' / 'Properties' / 'Mail management' / '8-bit characters
    are treated')
3.) Send yourself a test message containing the Euro symbol and have a look
    at the message source after receiving it. The position where you expect
    the Euro symbol should now be '=A4'. If so _your_ system is set up to
    send the correct encoding for Euro sign, IF the the 'Content-Type'
    value 'charset' is 'ISO-8859-15'.

Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.60q on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

How does a women hold her liquor?  By the sideburns.

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