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On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 4:03 PM, you wrote:

>> Create a quick template named eg. QuoteStyle, and put this in:

>> ====8<------------------------------------------------------------------
>> %IF:"%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?im-s)^X-Mailer\:.*(Bat!|Becky|Gnus|slrn).*$""%-
>> %SUBPATT=""1"""="":"NONE":"I"
>> ====8<------------------------------------------------------------------

>> Then put %Quotestyle='%Qinclude="Qstyle"' to your reply macro
>> ( if Qstyle is your template name)above your %quotes line . This
>> way the initials quoting will be automatically used only with the
>> clients which support it.

FDH> My resonse to this:

FDH> I have atleast for now one more question about the above.  When I opened
FDH> up "quick templates", I did not find away to cut and paste this
FDH> information into the quick template.  For that matter I also looked at
FDH> the templates themselves, could not find away in them either.

FIRST and FOREMOST, please try and TRIM some of that quoting!!
do you know how to cut & paste ??? as in highlight text, do CTRL-C
(copy), then go to quicktemplates, creat one called Qstyle, edit it
and CTRL-V ( paste).

FDH> Brings up another thought.  How do you keep backups of them and then
FDH> reload them into the program.  I looked in the bat directory and did not
FDH> see any files containing templates.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here, I backup The Bat every
now and then, as I do my PC. As for just templates, you'd need one of
the gurus to tell you which files contain the templates.

/ Paul
Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600

Version: PGP 6.5i


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