Hello tbudl,

   Ok, about a zillion years ago I was in here complaining about
   wanting built-in smtp for TB. Tonight I had a straggler email come
   in from Ritlabs that was apparently sent a while ago, because it
   was announcing a new version of TB, and I already had it. However,
   when I went to look, I spotted something on the front page, which
   is weird because I normally never just go to the root, I always go
   to /the_bat. So what do I see? BatPost!!!! Oh, please tell me this
   thing plugs in smoothly for use with TB. That will totally make my
   day! Man, if TB finally allows for full html somewhere down the
   line, and if this smtp works, I'll be grinning for weeks.

Best regards,

    Kurgan               Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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