On Thursday, June 13, 2002, 10:36:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ok, about a zillion years ago I was in here complaining about
>    wanting built-in smtp for TB. Tonight I had a straggler email come
>    in from Ritlabs that was apparently sent a while ago, because it
>    was announcing a new version of TB, and I already had it. However,
>    when I went to look, I spotted something on the front page, which
>    is weird because I normally never just go to the root, I always go
>    to /the_bat. So what do I see? BatPost!!!! Oh, please tell me this
>    thing plugs in smoothly for use with TB. That will totally make my
>    day! Man, if TB finally allows for full html somewhere down the
>    line, and if this smtp works, I'll be grinning for weeks.

I see it too...have you dl'd and tried it yet?


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