Bats- DG> only if the computer has been idle for three minutes. Now let's see how DG> Windows defines 'idle'....
i-dle, adj., idler, idlest, v. idled, idling --adj. 1. unemployed, or doing nothing 2. unoccupied 3. not kept busy or in use or operation 4. habitually doing nothing or avoiding work 5. of no real worth, importance, or significance 6. baseless or groundless 7. frivolous or vain 8. futile 9. useless Syn. indolent, lazy, slothful Random House American College Dictionary -Mark (Yep, that's my OS) Wieder Using The Bat! v1.60h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2 ________________________________________________________ Current Ver: 1.60q FAQ : Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives : Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bug Reports: