On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 at 13:06 GMT +0200 (26/06/2002 18:06 where you think
I live) "Markus Gloede"=[MG] wrote to TBUDL :

>> Does anyone here know how to configure TB to perform a login to an
>> Exchange Server (on NT4) using IMAP?

>> TB is running on NT4, sp6, and with administrator rights.

>> I have heard from a user (not on this list) who is having problems
>> trying to login.

> I can only give hints. Does the Exchange server require NT authentication,
> this could be a problem. Also, even when authenticating via regular IMAP
> it might be required to use the full domain/mailbox path (e.g.
> /<NTdomain>/<Exchange Alias> or <NTdomain>/<domain userID>/<Exchange
Alias>>) in the user name field. Experimenting with the user name might
> help.

Also  try  to  use  NTLM  as  protocol for access (I use this in my test
Visnectic Mail Server and seems TB! support NTLM2 well).

BTW.  Maybe  Graham Foster is the right person to answer this because he
use  TB!  IMAP connect to Exchange server since beginning, but he is not
in this list, IIRC he only subscribe on TBBETA and TBTECH.

Best regards,

- Syafril -               mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.60q
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