Monday, June 24, 2002, 2:58:08 PM, Kai Göing wrote:

> So what are your views on newsgroups? Curse, blessing or both?

I am probably more accustomed to newsgroups than I am to mailing
lists, so for me, newsgroups are a blessing. Although it would be
ridiculous for me to try and estimate the size of Usenet's user base,
I can say that there are certainly a lot of people out there who use
it, and I've gotten a lot of knowledge from those people.

One thing I like about Usenet is that you don't have to deal with
subscribing and un-subscribing and confirming and so on. If you have a
spur-of-the-moment thought, you can find the newsgroup it belongs in,
and post it there that very second. Replies will soon follow. Another
thing I like is that it's easier to be totally anonymous with
newsgroups, which I think is important for users in regard to
unbridled flow of opinions and information, without any fear of some
nut job out there retaliating at the author in some way.

Here's the thing about TheBat!: I have been using Agent exclusively
for reading news ever since I began- over seven years ago. For me,
it's hard to imagine TheBat! performing for me an any way that I could
fully appreciate. The writers of Agent made something functionally
perfect for what it is intended to do. A new system of reading news
and downloading binaries from Usenet would have to be pretty darn
perfect for me to find it worthwhile to get used to.


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