Hey t,

My MUA believes '<IMail v6.05>' was used
on Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 7:39:08 PM.

tc> everytime i try to send mail i get the following error:
tc> !7/13/2002, 18:35:33: SEND - Message has not been sent. Server
tc> reply - Error: queue file write error

That does sound like a server err msg to me... I would go one step
more and try to send a message using Telnet (gets sticky if you need
authentication though.)

,----- [ Send eMail via Telnet ]
| # telnet to a machine that responds to smtp on port 25
| telnet smtp.domain.com 25
| # issue the HELO command to start.
| # issue the mail from command
| mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| # issue the rcpt to command (this should be a valid address)
| # now the data command will allow you to do the rest..
| data
| # "Subject:the text you want on the subject line" on the first line for a subject...
| # other text here goes into the message body.
| # end the mail message with a . on a line by itself.

Make sure you capture the output so you can send it off the the server
people if they ask...

,----- [ Example so you can see what it may look like ]
| 220 smtp.domain.com Ready for business. iSMTP Version(
| 250 Ok Pleased to meet you.
| mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 250 Ok Mail accepted
| 250 Ok Recipient accepted
| data
| 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
| subject:this is a test!
| testing more...
| .
| 250 Ok Data accepted

tc> Just in case, i am sending this here (from the webmail option
tc> site, since i can't send it any other way). I can send from the
tc> webmail bit, just not pop3 from The_Bat.

Nit-picking... POP3 is only to get mail from the server, you use SMTP
to send the mail... <g>

====8<---------------- snip

,----- [People on this list are much happier if you use a "Cut Mark"]
| This is a "special sequence that starts on a new line and consists of
| two dashes (minus signs) and a space followed by another new line.
| <NewLine><dash><dash><space><NewLine>
| This "cut mark" is recognised by many email programs and is used as a
| cut off point for signatures. That way, when someone replies to one of
| your messages, your signature (anything below the cut mark) is
| removed. Likewise, when you reply to a message from someone that
| includes cut mark, The Bat! will remove anything below the cut mark
| from the text you quote.
`----- [see FAQ @ <www.silverstones.com/thebat/samples.html#newmess>]

Using The Bat! eMail v1.60q
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

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