On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 17:39:08 -0600, you wrote:

> Ok, new to The_Bat and to the list, so i have sent a message to 
> the guy at the isp who can check his end, too, but it is a 
> weekend, so... Anyway, all of a sudden today (for hours) everytime 
> i try to send mail i get the following error:
> !7/13/2002, 18:35:33: SEND  - Message has not been sent. Server 
> reply - Error: queue file write error

This to me sounds like they have either a full hard disk on the mail server, or
somebody messed up permissions in the mail queue directory.  You may wish to
contact your ISP, and let them know... it might be something very simple to
solve ;)  Of course, them being an ISP, I should hope either of those are not
the case, but stranger things (like the mysterious x-mailer filtering) have

Jonathan Angliss

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