Fellow Bat Lovers
I am trying to convince my Mother to switch from "lookout" to the bat
whilst  she  is quite impressed with the ease of use and functionality
she has one problem which I know you're all going to Love :-)

She  receives a number of "Funnies" from her friends which consist of
a  joke  written  in  HTML  with  coloured  backgrounds  animated gifs
embedded in the text etc.
As  you  all  know  The Bat displays the text fine (plain or HTML) but
shows  all  the Gifs etc as attachments which she can open individually
but cannot get them to display within the mail as the sender intended.
Is this possible either within the bat or with another application.
I  am keen for her to keep using the bat as I figure she's less likely
to get a virus and also less likely to pass one on to me.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Richard Evans
Written at 18:18 on 16/07/02
Pure E-mail with The Bat!v1.60q on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A
Browsing with Opera 6.04 build 1135

Unfortunately I'm writing this without the aid of music                                

Thought for the day
"Perhaps  I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers
so deeply that he had to invent laughter."

Current Ver: 1.61
FAQ        : http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
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