Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:02:35 AM, you wrote:

JB> Computers are designed to entertain and I say if people *want* to send
JB> e-mail as html by god let 'em.

So far, so good, but a lot of the html mail I get is
nearly unreadable ... if they'd compose for readability
instead of animated gifs and gadgetry, and choose colour
schemes/backgrounds that didn't obscure the message, it
wouldn't be so objectionable, even not considering the
space/bandwidth issues .. I'm not even going to bring up
type size ...

JB> Strength is diversity not in "training" conformity.

It certainly is .. but users of M$ software who have never
looked at anything else, much less the settings for the
software they are using are hardly 'diversified' ... too many
people have been *seriously* trained never to change
anything on the computers they are using.

This is due in large part to vendor support whose first
reaction to some problem is to a) find out what
'non-standard' (read 'non-M$') software is on the machine,
and b) strip it off. Oddly, no one seems to notice that
that generally doesn't fix the problem, but it does make
people scared to try different software options.

Anyway, I don't care what people use in general, and this
clearly doesn't apply to my IncrediMail friend .. I just
much prefer to get *my* mail plain text ... there's a switch
for that .. in almost all the clients I've seen :-)


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2


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