Hello Deborah,

On Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:01 GMT +0100, clairvoyants were
mystified when Deborah W [DW] conjured:

DW> I need to do that with emails. I have about 30 people to send an email
DW> to, & I need to be able to put information from my address book in
DW> various "fields" in the email: name, address, email address etc. Each
DW> person is to get an email with their own information (gleaned from my
DW> AB) in it. (This is for checking & completion purposes.)

Use the %AB macros.  From the help file:

=====[Begin Help File]=====
AbnnnPPP       insert a field from the address book. The "nnn" part
               determines the address that is used to retrieve
               information from the address book, the "PPP" part is
               the name of the address book field to be used. 

Possible values for the " nnn " part are:

TO      use the address entry for the TO addressee of the current message
OFROM   use the address entry for the FROM address of the original message
OREPLY  use the address entry for the REPLY-TO address of the original message
OTO     use the address entry for the TO addressee of the original message
FROM    use the address entry for the FROM address of the current message
REPLY   use the address entry for the REPLY-TO address of the current message

Possible values for the " PPP " part are:

Name            the full name
FirstName       the first name
LastName        the last name
MiddleName      the middle name
Handle          the handle (alias)
NamePrefix      the name prefix (such as "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr." etc)
NameSuffix      the name suffix (such as ", Jr.", ", PhD", etc)
Birthday        the date of birth
Email           the primary e-mail address
Addr            the home street address
City            the home city name
State           the home state/province name
ZIP             the home address ZIP/Postal code
Country         the home address country name
Phone           the home phone number
Fax             the home facsimile number
Mobile          the mobile phone number
Page            the personal homepage URL
Company         the company name
Job             the job title
Dept            the department name
Office          the office number
BusAddr         the business street address
BusCity         the business address city name
BusState        the business address state/province name
BusZIP          the business address ZIP/Postal code
BusCountry      the business address Country name
BusPhone        the business telephone number
BusFax          the business facsimile number
BusPager        the business pager number
BusPage         the business homepage URL
Gender          the person's gender
Charset         the default character set
Memo            the Memo contents of the address entry

AbnnnPPP = "text"       insert a field from the address book as above.
                        If there is no matching address book entry or
                        the field requested from the address book is
                        blank, insert text instead   
=====[End Help File]=====

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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