Hello Angel,

Saturday, July 27, 2002, 8:04:54 PM, you wrote:

A> On Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 9:40:05 AM , Kim scibbled:

S>>> Only after the message is stored in a folder {INBOX} will
S>>> a filter be used.  NAV catches it and quarantines it as it is supposed to.

KGH>> What I _would_ like is that they be moved to another folder/trash instead
KGH>> of processed by other filters, and thereby scattered within the account
KGH>> folders!
A> Understandable... and I believe, earlier, someone mentioned AVG? :) I have
A> used AVG for a while now and with the TB! plugin, I get a warning, and AVG
A> scoots the email into a neat, separate "Quarantine" folder. This is done BY
A> AVG itself...no filters necessary :)  And I just right click on the FOLDER
A> ITSELF, and choose "Empty Folder" and the virus never "gets anywhere". :)

A> I am not sure, but also earlier in the thread, someone mentioned filtering
A> by "subject" and I THINK you can create those filters, then go into the
A> filter options in TB!, find that filter, then choose the ACTIONS tab and tik
A> the "delete message" or "delete message from the server" box... and that will
A> delete the message?  That way it would never be filtered anywhere except to
A> your trash folder....or maybe even remove it entirely from the account ?

Yes, but could this not get really messy witha all the different
subjects the infected emails could have, and new variants may use
different subjects, so would this not afford protection?

A> Since I do not use NAV, I am not really sure how it works with TB! or how
A> it would work with the filters suggested.... can someone else maybe
A> elaborate for me, and give opinion on whether this would work or not?

NAV sits between the Mail client and the Server, examing mail as it is
sent recived. The send I think works as its own SMTP device.

I dont think NAV will support features such as filtering to folders
because of this, as the message attachment will never reach The BAt!
or any other email app, so as far as the BAT is concerd the email is
coming straight from the server with no scanning.

NAV Uses Port 3066 I think to listen for traffic and filters from

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