On Sun, 2002-07-28 at 09:09, Sergey Uvarov wrote:
> JS>>> I've  been  following the thread about anti-spam measures and I too wanted
> JS>>> to  create  a  separate  address  book for spam addresses
> I do not think, that it is good idea. I have very few cases when spam
> address is the same. Most of spam have unique address.
> Some hints:
> 1.) spam letters often contains 4-5 digits in subject.

Most cases yes, or a large number of spaces before that, which would
probably be easier to match on.

> 2.) often you address  is not listed in TO: field :-) (It is the case
> for maillist - so you can make AB group of "allowed" recipients like
> you address, TB UDL and others.)

Which is why you create your filters in a particular order like this:

1 - High useage lists
2 - Other lists
3 - Common contacts
4 - Most other contacts
5 - Spam filter

> 3.) often spam letters have "X-Authentication warning" in cludges

I've never seen this header before in any of the same... how common is
if for you?  I get nearly 70-160 spam a day.

Jonathan Angliss

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