On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 12:33:29PM +0100, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:
> So, at 1KB/sec that means a .775 second overhead per message to you.
> That's ¤ 0.000222 per message.

this calculation doesn't include 'unable to allocate memory problem'
on list machine :-)))

btw, without all of these luxuries (listar's features: footer, header,
humanize-* etc..etc.. ), most of mime or quoted-printable problems
could be avoided. at the end, all TB! users could evaluate all of
TB! functionalities on this list! :-) everyone's happy.

All of rfc2369-mumble option on list config should be enough.
Fortunately, TB! recognize these stuffs too.

Yes! This is my KISS campaign ha..ha..


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