Hello Peter,

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 12:49:06 +0200 GMT (2002/8/9, 17:49 +0700 GMT),
Peter Palmreuther wrote:

TF>> However, I now have the month in numbers but want it in words (in
TF>> English). I guess that's not possible with my Windows setting to
TF>> Chinese.

PP> Simply give it a try: change 'mm' to 'mmm' or 'mmmm'. But I guess this will
PP> display the months name according to "locale settings", at least this is
PP> what's happening over here if I set 'locale' to 'English'.

Your guess is correct, as I tried this before posting my message.

PP> So you might have to decide: either 'strange' default extension and months
PP> names, or '*.*' and months in numerical format :-) (or you learn to read
PP> Chinese months and get used to use them *GGG*)

I *do* read the months and days of the week in Chinese. And a little
bit more. :-) However, they are not displayed in Chinese on my
machine, because I have tweaked the registry to display European
characters when high ASCII characters encountered. My choise is to
either display Chinese correctly or German - and I chose German. So,
the Chinese characters in the message list are translated into
whatever character there is at that place in the Western European
character set. And that makes it unintelligible.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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