Hello Richard,
On the 08/09/2002, you babbled on about "Now here's an odd one?" 

RL> Glad to know it's not just me. I must admit I've seen more odd happenings in
RL> the latest releases of TB, so much so that I'm tempted to go back to and old
RL> version if I can find one. Up until recently TB was 100% rock solid, now it
RL> doesn't seem to take much to get it to fall over in some way.

I get something similar too and as far as I remember i always have
had. I use Netcaptor so i always thought there was a compatibility
between the 2 programs. Still it doesn`t seem to be a major problem as
it doesn`t stop anything from working.

That`s all for now

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I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.

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