Sh'mae DG,
On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, at 15:24:56 [GMT -0400] (or 20:24 in Wales)
regarding 'OT: XP SP1' you wrote:

DRS> It was always there, in any version of Windows, 9x, 2000 and XP. Simply
DRS> open Internet Explorer, select Internet Options and further Programs then
DRS> utilize the drop down list, after you install The_Bat!, and select the
DRS> appropriate default email program.

DRS> This is NOT new in XP's Service Pack 1.

Or  right click on XP's start button with the new menu, do properties.... It can
be altered there too....


08 September 2002, 23:47
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 |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-' Checked by Antivir Mail Gateway |
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)  pgp key : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
                                                          | You are here:  X

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