Hi Dierk,

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002 20:49:44 +0200 GMT (Sep 09, 00:34 my local time),
you [DH] wrote:

DH> AFAIR similar tests in German computer magazines the number for
DH> AVG seems right,

What scared me about the hackfix.org tests is that few trojans in
their petri dish seemed familiar. Particularly 'Girlfriend', a remote
administration tool akin to Back Orifice. I've had nasty experiences
with 'Girlfriend' in the past and to say that AVG only detects few
versions of this trojan cultivates doubts in my mind regarding AVG

http://www.hackfix.org/miscfix/icons-av-all.shtml  <--- Test page

Although a long-time NAV user, I like the light footprint of AVG and
would like to give it a shot.

Be Well,                       Sudip Pokhrel
Sudip                          Kathmandu-NP.
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