Sunday, September 8, 2002, 6:57:01 PM, you wrote:

ACM> Mark Bernard [MB] wrote:'

MB>> It's not just a single email and attachment that this works
MB>> with. I've tried it with different emails, from different
MB>> senders. One with a "corrupted" .DOC file and one with a
MB>> "corrupted" .JPG. Both files were fine after being forwarded.

ACM> Are the different senders using the same clients?

I've had the same problem as Mark for a long time, with varying
versions of TB! I sent email to the list back in April, and nobody
had any clues then. The attitude seemed to be "well it doesn't
happen to me, so I guess it must be a problem on your end".

Luckily, other people are starting the experience the "attachment
corruption" issue, so maybe it will get resolved.

Allie, it shouldn't matter what client the senders are using. The
points are this:

 - The mail is being received and stored properly by TB!
   (otherwise, you would not be able to forward it to another
   user and have them be able to read the attachment correctly.
   If it was network errors, ISP related, or a problem with how
   TB! stores messages, forwarding the message would result in
   the forwarded copy being unreadable by the new recipient,
   which is NOT the case. The attachments which are corrupt for
   me in TB! can always be forwarded to a non-TB! user and be
   perfectly readable).

 - This leads me to believe there are issues with how TB! decodes
   attachments, such that under certain circumstances (which are
   yet to be determined), attachments are corrupted.

 - In any event, TB! should never corrupt an attachment, regardless
   of what MUA is used.
I have sent zip'd versions of a TB! folder that contains corrupt
attachments to other TB! users, including Thomas F., a frequent
participant on this list, and they have verified that indeed, the
attachments are corrupt for them when they open the folder... yet
forwarding that same message to a non-TB! user results in a perfectly
readable message. The key now is to get the authors to look at why
these attachments are being corrupted when they are opened by TB!,
and get a fix into the next version!

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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