On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 21:49:43 -0700 Thomas F. wrote:

TF> On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:16:18 -0400 GMT (29/07/02, 23:16 +0700 GMT),
TF> Jason Gottschalk wrote:
TF> JG> He receives large attachments from a variety of people, and most of
TF> JG> them are being corrupted when they are transferred out of the bat,
TF> JG> either to the hard drive or to a viewer.

Yes, this is the behavior I reported back in April, and I'm still
experiencing it.

TF> So he can see them alright from within TB, i.e. he does not transfer
TF> (save?) them out of The Bat?

Not it my case. If somebody sends me a JPEG image (for example) TB!'s
internal viewer will show a blank "tab" if I click the tab at the
bottom. If I then double-click on the icon in the "attachment sidebar",
I get an alert that says:

  JPG Err#68

or, more rarely, JPG Err#11.

If I save the corrupt files to disk, they are not viewable in any
third-party image viewers either.

TF> JG> Where can I look for a resolution to this?

I wish I knew!

TF> What's your OS and RAM? Are you on a network or on a stand-alone PC?

I'm running Windows 2000 SP3 (although it happened with SP2 as well)
with 512MB of RAM. Plenty of free memory; not a lot of other apps
running. Recently re-installed from scratch (again) after upgrading to
a new motherboard and processor.

TF> JG> Wednesday, April 17, 2002, 7:08:02 PM, Eddy wrote:
TF> I didn't see Eddy's original message.

Hopefully you'll see this one. I just recently re-subscribed to TBUDL,
and I saw this thread come up again while reviewing the archives. I'm
glad to see somebody else is experiencing issues with attachments.
I've re-formatted and re-installed Windows several times, each time I
try the latest version of TB!, and each time I eventually end up with
corrupt attachments. (It is important to note that it does not happen
all the time, sometimes, SMALL attachments come through without a

TF> The only thing I can imagine is that it has to do with the RAM, or you
TF> are using XP (which seems to behave in unexpected ways sometimes). I
TF> have never heard this before, but now Jason has confirmed a similar
TF> problem (the attachments are received OK and get corruptedonly when
TF> being saved to disk seperately).

I'm not using XP, and I don't think it is a RAM issue, since even if I
restart and only run TB!, I still can't open attachments that are

Here are some more interesting data points:

- Sometimes, if I export the offending message in Unix 'mbox' format
  and immediately re-import it, I can then view the previously-corrupted
  JPEG image (or open the ZIP file, or whatever.) This doesn't always
  work, as I received a 4MB attachment today and although the
  export/import trick made it a little better, the file still had errors.

- If I copy the offending message to a new folder called "Test", zip
  up the "Test" folder created by TB! (containg a .TBB and .TBI file),
  mail it to a friend of mine who uses TB!, and he imports it, he also
  gets the "JPG Err#68" message. And he has never experienced any
  problems with attachment corruption.

- Forwarding the message to an account that receives mail with another
  MUA, such as Outlook, the message will be fine and is NOT corrupted.

- I tend to leave TB! running for days without quitting. I'm not sure
  if that is important, but I thought I'd mention it.
If anybody has the capability to work with TB! authors to diagnose
this problem, I will forward a zip file that contains a .TBB/.TBI
file that demonstrates the problem I have.


P.S. Here is a link to my original message to TBUDL:

P.P.S. The header issue was caused by my ISP! ACK! Sorry for accusing
       TB! of that problem!

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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