It seems that Adam Rykala said ...

A> Account Properties -> Files and Directories

Oh. OK, but that's for outbound files, isn't it? I've never had a
problem sending a file. Mime64.

(From another message)
A> TB! on C drive or another drive?
A> Spaces in folder name (here its d:\TheBat)

TB on C: in C:\Program Files\The Bat!

Mail in D:\BatMail\WTVN (and other directories for other accounts)

MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: On any given mail check, I'm checking 17 accounts.
This could be an issue. That's common among all machines (although
some check only 10 or so).

A> Only real DLL in the folder are the PGP ones (present) and the Spell Checker. So
A> DLL  hell  is  possibly out as it looks like TB! is pretty self contained (and I
A> got out of programming 10 years ago!!)

Spell checker only.

A> Write caching on or off?
Varies from one machine to the next.

A> Ultra DMA on? (possibility of some conflict between TB!
A> and something?_)
On this machine, yes. Office machine, probably not. Notebook-possibly.

Are we having fun or what!

(I'm outta here for the rest of the day. Again -- THANKS sincerely to
everyone who has commented on this.)

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 6:41 PM
Technology Corner on Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: "The language needs a statistical mood." -- Anonymous

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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