Hi Scott,

@22-Sep-2002, 18:46 -0500 (00:46 UK time) Scott McNay [SM] in

SM> Ok, works this time... but the tbtech-join one I did several
SM> days ago, exact same address, no reply.

It may have "black-holed" last Sunday when the server was rebooted.
I can't really tell from here what ay have happened.

SM> Might help if someone could search-n-destroy all of the old
SM> addresses. Here's one that I found that doesn't seem to give a
SM> response:


Where did you find that? As far as we (the mods) are concerned, I
thought we'd tidied up all of the references...

SM> Ahh, found the problem with the tbbeta subscription:

SM>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]?body=subscribe

SM> I  used  that as the TO address, as-is, instead of clicking on
SM> it.  No reply from it either.

Aha! You'd need the "subscribe" keyword either as the subject or the
message body for it to work.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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