Hello Leif Gregory,
On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 10:24:29 -0600 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, September 22, 2002, 11:24:29 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Leif Gregory wrote:

> Hello Izk, 

> On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 at 08:59:05 [GMT -0400], you wrote:
I>> I have to move the Bat to a newer system, so has anyone done this
I>> successfully? Anything to watch out for?

> 1. Click Start button, Choose Run, type REGEDIT, hit enter
> 2. Click the plus in front of HKEY_CURRENT_USER
> 3. Click the plus in front of Software
> 4. Click once on RIT, from the menu click REGISTRY, then EXPORT
>    REGISTRY FILE, save it to a floppy disk or something you can get to
>    from your new machine.
> 5. Copy/save/archive/backup your C:\Program Files\The Bat! directory
>    to CD or ZIP disk or whatever.
> 6. On the new machine, install the latest official release of TheBat!
>    However when you get to the part about creating accounts, exit the
>    installation.
> 7. Unzip or un-archive your backup of TheBat into the C:\Program Files
>    directory.
> 8. Double-click the exported registry key, and import it to the
>    registry.
> 9. Start The Bat! normally, and it'll come up totally registered with
>    your key and all your accounts, filters, folders, and settings will
>    be correct.

There is a key in 3 places for Rit and normally I grab any reference
to a program...

By the way if you burn mail on CD I ended up with mailboxx names with
aa space having an underline and no data...
No doubt the result of cdrom burning format but its very important to
check when moving mail via CD.
Also things like addressbooks and other files get locked due to being
on CD, one has to make the read/write again...


Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.60q 

C.C.S. Associates
FAX (USA): (208) 460-3753
pgp 6.5.3 : 0x909D9B10

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