Hi Jan,

On Sunday, September 29, 2002 09:55 your local time, (19:40 my local
time), you [JR] wrote:

JR> I guess you know that you can assign a system hot_key to call
JR> SmartBat up from anywhere. Right? That makes it sort of
JR> independent. :-)

Yes that's how I call SmartBat, but this obviously requires running
TB! all the time. More importantly, I'm stressing independent SmartBat
because it would (or should) include basic functionality like Save,
Print, Open, etc. Besides, it would be a nice freeware gift from
RITLabs... ;)

be well,
Sudip Pokhrel             |    /"\
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On the other hand, you have different fingers
TB! v1.61 on XP Pro|
P4-1.6Ghz 256MB RAM|

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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