Hi Dierk!

on Sunday, September 29, 2002, 12:23:27 PM, you wrote:

DH> On Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 6:52:34 PM you wrote:

>> Is this worth pursuing to anyone else?

DH> There is a difference in handling e-mail and news - XNews and Agent
DH> are both (AFAIK) off-line newsreaders. E-mails are usually
DH> transferred from the server to your machine to do the necessary work
DH> on them. With news you only load down those messages you are
DH> interested in; the Watch Thread feature therefore automates this for
DH> you.

Methinks  you're  missing  the  point.   "Mark  Thread"  means  you're
interested in the subject and want it highlighted or something so that
you can read it first, before any other email.  I agree with James, it
might be interesting.

James,  just  create  a  rule that applies a color.  It shouldn't take
tooo long to create a rule, if you're accustomed to doing it.


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