SM> If  some third party should happen to reply to this message
SM> off-list, my system will do the normal processing on it, unless I have
SM> a  way  to  whitelist messageIDs, in which case, TB! will see that the
SM> incoming In-Reply-To matches an outgoing MessageID.

you can create a list of the msgids of the messages you send using an
'outgoing filter' with the action 'Export to file', with a saving
template that only includes the msgid, obtained with regexp. If you
config the filter to append new data to the end of the file, you'll
have file in your disk with the list of msgids issued by your program.

What can you do with that file? I don't know :)

I can't find a way to read it in an incoming filter, but maybe there's
some way around

Ricardo M. Reyes | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 | (Mar del Plata - Argentina)
                 | Usando The Bat! 1.60c

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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