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On Saturday, October 05, 2002, at 7:31:58 PM PST, Sudip Pokhrel wrote:

> Yes: Pocomail (www.pocomail.com). Fantastic mail client with HTML
> support both ways. Has an option to toggle picture(s) download
> on/off. IMO, the best client after TB! Easy to use yet all advance
> functionality exist for power users.

Hi Sudip,

I used Pocomail before I started using TB!, and while I've never used
it for daily email since I started with TB! (over a year ago), I still
keep my PM up to date (currently v2.63, build 1077)...just to see what
Slaven is up to (I started using PM when it was at v2.11 - a few years

While several improvements have been made to it, PM's plain text
editor still has some real problems. Even saving a message to "draft",
then re-opening it to continue editing can cause unwanted formatting
changes (bad wrapping) that cannot then be easily fixed - even with
the "text cleanup" function (which shouldn't be necessary anyway, as
saving something as a "draft", then re-opening it shouldn't alter
it...but it does).

Basic editor problems like that described above - and some others that
are still lingering - are simply unacceptable in a heavily used email
client. PM's editor/viewer, because of these continued problems, also
renders PGP clear signature use pretty useless, as the PM
editor/viewer takes advantage of too many opportunities to alter the

Pocomail's developer (Slaven R.) - does have some really nice ideas,
but I've always felt that he tries to constantly incorporate too many
"bells and whistles" without really refining some of the more basic
functionality...especially for those of us who prefer working with
plain text.

For those who are considering various Windows email clients, and have
found TB!, I say look no further...you've already found the best! :-)

- -- 
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