
> FPNC> It would be great to be able to have a text file with this format:
> FPNC> T [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\Fernando\News\NYTimes

> Here is a different solution to you  problem. Why not have an address book
> entry with the destination folder to place incoming mails for this
> address or address (some people use more then one email address)

Mmm... I've looked at address book and I cannot find anything about
making a connection between an entry and a folder...
Or maybe you meant this:

> quick filters... You could therefore filter al you friends in one
> folder (You can filter on presence in a certain address book to a
> specific folder.) and when you need to look up an email from them use
> the quick filtering.

I could do that but, if you have 20 people in one folder, you must
locate one of the emails of the friend you're looking for, and then
alt-click on the from... I find that it is more comfortable - at
least, for me - to have a lot of folders with each email in its own

BTW, I forgot to mention another line in my config file:
"If I sent anything to [EMAIL PROTECTED] put a copy of the email in
the folder someone."
I mean, "ST [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\Fernando\People\Somebody"

This way you can have the logical threads (you know, I said, you said,
then I said, then you said)... w/o problems...

Of course I could implement it using address book. But using a common
folder for n people is not useful for my mind, and creating a filter
for each address entry is not better than my current solution.

I'm asking for this because I think a file in this format:

* is quite simple to handle,

* it could be shared w/other tools - so, for instance, I can create a
tool to provide a nice GUI to edit/sort/print it

* and it is very simple to update it - easier than the filter screen,
which you cannot resize :( and believe me, with hundreds of filters,
you want them to be sorted in some way - just to check that you
haven't duplicates or missed anyone - and it is very difficult to
achieve this if each filter you add goes to the end, and then you have
to scroll 5-10 times to place each one in their logical group. I know
that, using my system, the place of them is meaningless, but - do you
remember if you have the filter for this or that list?

And lastly, using this system is cleaner for the filter screen: you
have 300+ rules in one filter, and you can focus all your attention in
"special rules" (at least, they seems special for me)...

> I hope I never get so many folders :(

Well, maybe I'm quite strange - sure ;) - but I'm used to this way of
thinking/archiving emails (more than 35,000 and counting up) and I'm
subscribed to more than 100 mail lists, so I have 100 filters to be
set up for sure...

And before you ask: No, I don't read every email I receive. So why do
I want so many messages? CTRL+F ;)

Best regards,

Fernando Nájera
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