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Hi Anne,

@26-Oct-2002, 12:02 Anne [A] in
mid:9955429858.20021026120206@;gmx.co.uk said:

MDP>> There is a resurgence (every time I turn my back) of
MDP>> top-posting. Please don't do this. It makes threads and
MDP>> postings very hard to read.

A> <rest snipped>

A> Marck this is a much nicer way of telling people to snip and not
A> to top post - and I'm sure it'll get the message across just as
A> well. :-)

Thanks. I thought long and hard. After my "Moderator needs help", I
have chosen to go the route of 'disclaimer fronted moderator's note'
plus 'off-list apology and soother to trouted member with clearer
explanation'. That should minimise misunderstandings.

A> BTW I've not replied to your message about the Dispatcher page
A> being online - very remiss of me I'm sorry.  Thank you for
A> putting it up.  I hope it'll be useful - I see you have a counter
A> - neat! :-)  I do think the page would benefit from the inclusion
A> of some images as well - comparing a picture to what you're
A> looking at on your own copy is always useful. If it's OK with you
A> I'll get some sorted and send them over to you.

Better than okay! Ready and waiting.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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