After trying and rejecting about 14 different scripts, I finally settled
upon YaBBSE. It's a very customizable script and has plenty of options for
users. Regretfully it doesn't offer a threaded view, but this is a feature I
didn't see but on one other script, a beta of a forum called EvoBB, which
was very buggy and so removed from my possibilities list.

At any rate, my choice is subject to change based on feedback from those of
you who choose to give it a look. :-)

Here's the link:

I am interested in hearing from those on a 56k dialup account... how fast
does the board load, response time to commands, etc. YaBB's message editor
seems to load a little slowly, so this is of some concern to me. I chose a
different board template than YaBB's default, which has quite a few images
and is built with nested tables and somewhat sluggish to load, even on my
384k DSL connection.

Don Zeigler
* bringing you boring sigfiles for over 14 years *

...Never itch for anything you aren't willing to scratch for.  |  This message brought to you by The Bat v1.61

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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