Hi Leif,

Saturday, October 26, 2002, 7:23:56 PM, you wrote:

LG> Hello Ben, 

LG> On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 at 19:07:09 [GMT -0600], you wrote:
BP>> I Have a new computer system coming in next week and would like to
BP>> move TheBat and all its associated files to the new system. What
BP>> are my options...

LG> <Moderator>

LG> Please try to avoid changing the subject of a thread to something
LG> completely unrelated. Those who thread by reference will never see
LG> your post if the thread topic doesn't interest them (even if your
LG> message has a different subject, because your message will be buried
LG> in a thread that is of a different subject than yours).

LG> </Moderator>

LG> But to answer your question, do the following:

LG> 1. Click Start button, Choose Run, type REGEDIT, hit enter
LG> 2. Click the plus in front of HKEY_CURRENT_USER
LG> 3. Click the plus in front of Software
LG> 4. Click once on RIT, from the menu click REGISTRY, then EXPORT
LG>    REGISTRY FILE, save it to a floppy disk or something you can get to
LG>    from your new machine.
LG> 5. Copy/save/archive/backup your C:\Program Files\The Bat! directory
LG>    to CD or ZIP disk or whatever.
LG> 6. On the new machine, install the latest official release of TheBat!
LG>    However when you get to the part about creating accounts, exit the
LG>    installation.
LG> 7. Unzip or un-archive your backup of TheBat into the C:\Program Files
LG>    directory.
LG> 8. Double-click the exported registry key, and import it to the
LG>    registry.
LG> 9. Start The Bat! normally, and it'll come up totally registered with
LG>    your key and all your accounts, filters, folders, and settings will
LG>    be correct.

LG> The only caveat to this, is that you need to install The Bat! to the
LG> same drive and directory on the new machine as the old. You can move
LG> it to a different drive/directory, but you're looking at a lot of work
LG> depending on how much you've customized The Bat.

LG> The other issue is that if your new machine is NT/2K/XP, when you do
LG> step 8, you need to be logged in as the user who will be accessing the
LG> The Bat accounts. You can do step 8 for more than one user though, so
LG> log in as each user, do step 8, and then each of those log-ons will
LG> work fine.

LG> That should cover it.

LG> Cheers,
LG> Leif Gregory 

Sounds like a bit like what I remember from a long time ago, but had since
forgotten.  but..... Since I installed TheBat on Drive D on my current
machine, and my new one doesn't have a drive D it won't so easy... My current
machine is a Desktop and my new one is a Laptop..

Does that mean that I will have to install TheBat on the new machine and not
be able to take advantage of the Backup?

Or will I have to do a file import?  Since I am on a LAN will that make it


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