On Saturday, October 26, 2002, 9:55 PM, you put forth, in part, about "blocking IP 
address vs domain name.":

S>   I want to block the following IP address
S> 66-214-156-51.riv-eres.charterpipeline.net instead of merely the
S> domaing name.

Blocking is best done through a firewall or DNS for a specific IP address.
By blocking an address, it will not enter your system if you are running
your own mail server, or at all, to be more specific.  However, if you
receive this mail by POPing your ISP to get your mail in TB!, then you
effectively cannot block the mail, as it is not sent to you directly via
SMTP, but you get it through your ISP by downloading or popping your mail.

What you can do, is filter the incoming mail, the inbox that is, for this
IP address, so filter inbox. kludges (headers) with string [66-214-156] ..
I think your headers will actually show it to be not
66-214-156 .... So, filter [66.214.156] .. you will not need the last set
of octets.  The first three should suffice quite nicely.  Filter on that
string, location Kludges, Presence = yes, and have it move messages to
trash. You can then set, if you have not done so already, to remove trash
on exit.  This will take care of that problem as your mail comes into your

Another way of handling it is to use the mail dispatcher feature.  You can
invoke this by Account / Dispatch mail on server, to manually start this
process, or set it to do it automatically in Account / properties / mail
management / mail dispatcher. You will then see you mail before it is
downloaded, and you can hand delete the offending files, while it is on
your ISP's server, before it reaches you.

Best regards,

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