Hi Simon!

In message mid:15341266296.20021027233602@;theycallmesimon.co.uk 
on Sunday, October 27, 2002, 5:36:02 PM, you wrote:

S> I  understand  what you are saying, and of course why you logically question
S> this,  but  I  personally don't really want to go through a library of virii
S> testing  each  scanner  with  each virus just to see how they compare. I can
S> change the wording if you like.. here goes:

S> If,  under fair testing, Kapersky and AVG were found to compare equally when
S> detecting virii, then there would of course be no real advantage having both
S> plugins  installed  under  TB!. However, as I have not tested either scanner
S> with  a  significant number of virii I cannot state with authority that this
S> is the case. *Although*, from my own experience in virus detection, Kapersky
S> has  always detected virii that AVG, AntVir, Norton, and McAfee have not, so
S> my  own confidence in the product is high, and therefore I personally see no
S> reason to have the two plugins running successively.

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