On Friday, November 1, 2002, 12:47:44 PM, Gerard wrote:

G> Hi Deborah,
G> I hate to tell you this, but this is normal behaviour. You have to fill
G> in the "variables" before the "calculation" can be made.
G> In other words, you have to tell which person it is being send to before
G> TB! knows which template (account/folder/addressbook) to use.

Yes, I understand that. The point is that, when I double-click on the
name in the AB, the template works in its entirety - including the
%ACCOUNT bit. However when I use Ctrl-N or the toolbar button to start
a new email, the rest of the template works as above, but the account
remains whichever account I happen to be located in at the time - iow,
the %ACCOUNT portion of the templates does *not* function then.


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