Hello Marck,

Fri, 8 Nov 2002 at 10:14:16[GMT +0000](10:14 where I live) you wrote
in mid:1441023762.20021108101416@;silverstones.com :

MDP> Now, I view my mail in a folder view (the ticker virtual folder)
MDP> using the RTV and incoming messages are always wrapped to the
MDP> window width, however long the lines.

MDP> What is the circumstance under which folks are *not* getting the
MDP> lines wrapped? Folder vs Main window preview area? PTV vs RTV? Font
MDP> settings (I use Andale mono). Is it anything to do with editor
MDP> auto-wrap settings?

I tried the ticker and found I didn't need it so I use the main
message window and go to the next unread with Ctrl Rt Arrow. When I
saw that you had mentioned Autowrap I looked in my Editor settings and
found that it was unticked so I selected it and, bingo, the messages
wrap. I'm sure I unselected Autowrap so that I could format my
messages more the way I wanted them and, anyway, why should Editor
settings affect the message window - although they patently do?

So the problem is obviously the autowrap setting. Do you mean, by your
response, that it doesn't matter what the autowrap settings are if you
use the MT and RTV?

At least I have all messages wrapping now which is useful, thanks.

Best regards,

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