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On Thursday, November 28, 2002, Nathan J. Yoder wrote...

> I think I've found a minor, but annoying mailto: bug. With an HTML
> link that uses the mailto: and a subject line (i.e. <a
> href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=hello how are you) The Bat! may
> not properly insert the subject line into the message composing
> window. If the subject line contains spaces (as above) then The Bat!
> will only include the first word of the subject in the subject line
> (i.e. "hello" instead of "hello how are you"). The only way to get
> around this is substitute the HTML escape character %20 (20 hex is a
> space) in place of spaces. Unfortunately most websites don't do
> this, and thus you get a truncated subject line when you click on a
> mailto: link.

I think that is correct behavior per RFCs.  Special characters such as
spaces, &, and such are supposed to converted to the hex version.


It specifically says:

,----- [ 5. Encoding ]
| RFC 1738 requires that many characters in URLs be encoded. This
| affects the mailto scheme for some common characters that might
| appear in addresses, headers or message contents. One such character
| is space (" ", ASCII hex 20). Note the examples above that use "%20"
| for space in the message body.  Also note that line breaks in the
| body of a message MUST be encoded with "%0D%0A".

So TB! is only behaving as per the rules. You'll find it is the other
mail clients that are misbehaving. And the author of the link also
made the mistake too.

- --
Jonathan Angliss

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