
  One aspect of TB is starting to annoy me. On some mailing lists the
  sender of the original mail is in the From field. Sometimes I have
  this original sender in an address book group (with an attached AB
  template) so on replying I get the AB template of the _sender_ and not
  of the list which I want to use when I reply to sender and the list
  (reply all).

  Can anything be done about this?

  I have the problem with other aspects a well (as witnessed below).

  _Please_ help.

,----- [ Mail of Nov 22nd to TBUDL ]
|  I have a company (Account A) and all customers are automatically added
|  to an address book group, let's call it X.
|  I have some friends in another address book (Y). The address book is
|  set so that replies to members of that group is automatically sent from
|  Account B.
|  When I reply to friends (in AB Y) who are _also_ customers (in AB X),
|  the account automatically changes to B, although account A is "active".
|  This makes perfect sense.
|  How do I avoid this? Folder templates? And how do I fix it for new
|  messages?
|  Also, sometimes when I manually change account when I have replied to a
|  mail (_before_ I start typing), only the account changes - not the
|  signature. Sometimes the signature changes. This feels "buggy".

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>
<thebat version> 1.62/Beta16 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  </os>

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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