Hello Gerard,

VBG>> Thank you Thomas. Even if I we're to figure out which
VBG>> process overwhelmed my system how would I go about
VBG>> preventing it from starting or stopping before or once it is
VBG>> in action?

G> I had the problem this morning on my WIN2K system.
G> The way to find the process is to switch to the task manager

I wish I can do that but it'll never launch :( and if it is
already running the system doesn't slow down instead it
really freezes and everything is untouchable.

G> found it to be a little programm called VSMON.exe.
G> it turns out that VSmon.exe is part of an old friend called ZoneLabs :(

I know but listen to this... On my desktop PC I've seen
those problems and they we're inescapable but I recently got
a notebook PC which is a little less powerful and I haven't
experienced a *freeze* yet.

G> I don't know how this is possible but I expected it to be part of the
G> mail check thingy Zonelabs has were it deactivates certain file based on
G> the extension. I switch that option to No and everything is working now.

Are you talking about E-mail Protection > Mail Safe Setting
 > off? If that is what you're talking about thanks I just
 did it as I never download and run anything suspicious
 anyway. Plus I have Micro Trend PC-cillin running :)

 But, if that is not what you're talking about please tell
 me :)

G> Hope this helps.

Anything helps and I can only thank you for your input as I
see it was a feature I hardly used anyway.

Thank you Gerard

Best regards,
 Victor B. Gonzalez                          

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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