Hello TBUDL,

  I am a Pegasus mail user and have been for some time but find that
  the programme is a little hamstrung by the fact that the Auther
  loves his programme (God bless his soul) and refuses to release the
  code so others can help him work on it (well in a nutshell that is)
  and he has other projects to contend with as well, so releases are
  slow and far and few between. I have however paid for two of his
  manuals to help the development, a small token I know but none the
  less my part.  I will do the same for TB after I have evaluated it
  for a while.
  Pegasus is now up to V4 and I notice that when I try to get the Bat
  to covert messages it must be looking for V3 type files as it just
  spits the dummy and tells me there is nothing in the DIR, is there a
  work around please?

Best regards,
 Tony                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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