Hello Daniel,

Sunday, December 15, 2002, 1:06:52 PM, you wrote:

DH> In  reply  to Tony's message 'question one' on Sun, 15 Dec 2002 12:47:10
DH> +1100 from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

DH> Tony,

TE>> I'm  sure  you  give  me  way to much credit :-) If this is a simple
TE>> thing to do I'm happy to give it a go

DH> It's  not hard, but it might be a little confusing. The idea is to setup
DH> a  mail  server  locally  on  your  computer  and than copy the messages
DH> between the two email clients.

DH>>> Doesn't Mercury do this?

TE>> I thought Mercury was a server based app, I am a desktop user

DH> Yes, this is what you want, however, Mercury doesn't support IMAP like i
DH> thought it did. My mistake. I can't remember the program I used, I did a
DH> google  search and couldn't come up with anything that would be helpful.
DH> I  will  try and think, but I'm suspecting someone else on TBUDL will be
DH> able to give a recommendation.

DH> I have thought actually of potentially an easier way...

DH> TB can import Unix mailboxes.

DH> So,  in Pegasus, create some Unix mailboxes, and dump your messages into
DH> them.  Than,  in TB, Tools -> Import messages -> Unix mailboxes and give
DH> that a go...

OK I'll give it a fly, if you don't see me again you'll know I've
blown up

Best regards,
 Tony                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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