Hallo Henk,

On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 12:20:44 +0100GMT (25-12-02, 12:20 +0100GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

HvE> How do I get my messages in Verdana? I can change my folders into this
HvE> lettertype, but not in Editor Preferences.

Use the Rich Text Viewer (Options - Preferences - Viewer) Then you can
view messages with Verdana. You can't use it in the editor, might be
because it's not a fixed width font, but I'm not sure about that.

BTW You started your question as an answer to another thread. That's
not the best thing to do for the following reason.

The Bat is able to thread messages properly, in order to see what I
mean, just select the folder where you're storing the messages from
this list. Go to the menu: view - view threads by - references. Now
you'll see that all messages are lined up after the message to which
they're first, second (or whatever) level replies to.

You started what's essentially a new thread by replying to another
message. That means it shows up as listed in another thread. Since
people sometimes skip messages in threads they don't consider
interesting (for lack of time). They might skip your message too,
since they're not aware of the newly started thread. So next time
you'd do yourself a favor by sending a new message in stead of a
reply, because you're reaching a larger audience and one of those
might have the answer you've been waiting for.

This is not not meant to criticize you, but only to help you
appreciate the options TB offers and to be able to get more effect out
of your efforts.

Groetjes, Roelof

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